I saw these cute little characters in the ornament section at Michael’s and knew I had to do something with them. My son likes penguins and my friend’s son’s room is owl decor so I got one for him as well.
So I made personalized ornaments!
These are super easy. You just need a felt tip pen to write the name (I got mine in the scrapbooking section at Michael’s), ribbon and a hot glue gun.
Write whatever you want. Be careful, of course. I accidentally gave this penguin a Michael Jackson hair strand. Oops! I little white paint will fix that.
Then cut some ribbon.
And hot glue one end.
Apply and then hot glue the other end.
All done! This one is little messy, but it’s the back. I did a better job on my friend’s. You could do a ribbon at the top, too, but since these were for boys I kept it simple.
Hmmmm, these would make good ornaments, too. All kinds of options in the wood section at Hobby Lobby.
Thanks for stopping by Day 8 of the 12 Days of Homemade Holiday Gifts series!
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